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~ EST: 1st July, 2000 ~

Welcome!  Well, if you want to know just how much I like this film, this proves it all.  Only one other thing has really compelled me to create a whole website dedicated to it because my feelings about it were so strong and that is the amazing science-fiction series, "Babylon 5".  I started my site, "Severed Dreams" several years ago.  It began shakily, based on my pretty basic knowledge of HTML and the help of Microsoft FrontPage, but through experience on and around the Web, it improved, and after months of dumbfoundedness, I finally figured out how to get it online.  I wish I could tell you that I still regularly update it, but alas...I can't :) Anyway, it's still exists, however antiquated it may be, and you can find it at: http://b5maniac.cjb.net.  I'll try and drag this paragraph out of the depths of self-promotion now *G*, but I think it deserved a mention because a lot of the pages on this site have been inspired by my first creation. 

"Gladiator" to me has not just been another film, it has been a fascinating experience, and I wish to thank everyone, cast, crew, directors, producers, extras, composers, and everyone else behind the making of the film for bringing to life an awe-inspiring, emotionally charged masterpiece.



Feel free to nick this if you want to link to me!

The girl. Who became a fan. Who became obsessed. Who took over the world with her Gladiator fanaticism...July 2000 A.D. A WEBSITE WILL RISE.

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Latest Updates

01/01/03 - Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you all had a good Christmas and got everything you wanted. And congrats to Ridley on his knighthood - Scott Victor!!
17/12/02 - [random update] Oooooh my Two Towers soundtrack has arrived, and I break up tomorrow, and I get to see the film in the evening!!! Eeeeh! [/excited ramble] Season's Greetings to you all! :D
26/10/02 - Still shocked at the news of Richard Harris' death - he died on Friday in University College Hospital, London of Hodgkin's disease at 72. I can say with great confidence that he will be missed. Ave atque vale, Richard.
19/07/02 - Added an award from Erica. Check out her site, it's new and shiny (and Russelled). :D.
23/06/02 - Woohoo, my exams have finished!! I can't believe it's all over...s'very strange. Anyway hopefully I'll be able to update the site a bit more now that I have loads of spare time. Any suggestions, please don't hesitate to fire them this way.
18/05/02 - Deleted the gallery and replaced it with the original one - Tripod sent me a rather ominous message telling me that I had surpassed my 20MB limit and so had to remedy the fact - before they did it for me...
10/05/02 - Well, as of today I am officially on study leave!! Big scary exams are just round the corner, so just if you've been wondering where I've been, I am still here! *waves* A very happy two-year-release-date-anniversary to all UK Glad-fans on the 12th - can you believe it's been that long?? I foresee lots of playings of "The Battle" while I revise these next few weeks. :)
03/03/02 - Finally got round to changing my hit counter back to roundabout the right number. Grr. I hope the stupid thing doesn't reset itself again...
05/02/02 - It's my birthday today! :) And my exam results were pretty good, so I'm happy. Heehee!
09/01/02 - For anyone who's emailed me recently and I haven't yet replied, please don't take it personally, it's just that I'm currently involved in my Mock Examinations, so things are pretty hectic!! And also I can't understand why my counter keeps resetting itself. Hmm.
01/01/02 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope 2002 is a great year for you all.
25/12/01 - Merry Christmas Everyone!! Hope you all have a very happy holiday. Oooh presents! *Slinks off*...whats Santa got in its pocketses?? My precious, yesss, gollum, I wantses my Christmas presentses, ssss :)
12/12/01 - Oh my, only seven more days before "LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring" hits our screens!!! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it...you must all go and see it!! And if I can find the time you can of course expect a whopping new, equally enthusiastic website from me. :D
11/12/01 - A very happy birthday to my 'goo-hood and deah' friend, Nishi!!
07/11/01 - "What we do in band...echoes in eternity!" Or for Jared of Southington High School Marching Band it most certainly does! Check out the band's site HERE As for me, well I'm going to try and face some particularly evil pieces of Maths and Chemistry coursework...and then probably cry. I hate school.
04/10/01 - Updated the About Me page. School's keeping me very busy now, I'm afraid, so updates will once again have to be few and far in between! :(
23/09/01 - Finally fixed that pesky counter problem, and changed the value to what I think it would've been after two months or so... :)
16/09/01 - Many happy returns to my brother who is...um, still very young today. :D
11/09/01 - I'm still in shock from the day's events. My thoughts and prayers with all affected by this tragedy. Love and light, Alaka.
24/08/01 - Right folks, I'm off tonight to Austria and Switzerland for ten days, so I shall see you all again but not yet! :)
07/08/01 - A very happy birthday to my sister who is 2-...never mind, but she deserves some public recognition. Mwah!
01/07/01 - Oh my goodness, my site is now officially a year old!!  So, like the saddo that I am, I wish myself a happy anniversary and thank all of you for coming and reading!  Thanks!
23/06/01 - Phew!  Finally my exams are OVER!  Well, for this academic year anyway. :(  But only two weeks left now before I break up for summer!  Kinda sad though because three teachers are leaving.  Therefore I take this day to honour them, so here's to ya, Mrs Carrier, Dr. Wheeler and Mr Barnett!  *Alaka raises her imaginary yet very nice-looking sword*  Oh yes, and I've added two awards, so thank you for those.

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My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius...

Classic Russell Crowe quote: (on the set of the opening battle, while looking at his sword) "Scalpels...er, I've done quite a few good operations today, umm....I've severed a head, and erm, I'm not quite sure what I was trying to fix, but the guy is a Hell of a lot better-looking now than he was with his head on."